Brother. Justine Likuka is the Founder, Evangelist and President of Gates
of Glory Ministries , an all-encompassing network of ministries headquartered in Ndola - Zambia; Africa.
He is a multi-gifted International Motivational Speaker, Community Development, Behavior Change and
AIDS Prevention Activist; Facilitating cahnge in lives and communities; addressing critical issues affecting every aspect
of human, social and spiritual development.
Bro. Justine is dedicated to his faith and the ministry and the church.
He is a strength that many benefit from, a Motivational Speaker and facilitator in many
Development and Health programs.
At their house in Ndola - Zambia, Justine and Mwila stay with different Young people that they
mentor and facilitate into becoming 'Great leaders' that God ordained them to be.
Bro. Justine has an Evangelistic message to today's world.
He speaks so much on 'Destiny, Purpose and Potential'. He trains Leaders and facilitates
Leadership Training and Development in different settings and cultures both locally and internationally.
The Brother is anointed to perform the duties of the master and is an "Eagle" kind.
Brother Justine is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of God. He is licenced,
ordained, fully authorised and commissioned to work for the Spiritual welfare of all people, practicing any Biblical and religious
activity. In simple terms, he is "anointed to Preach, Teach, Heal and to Deliver".